Re: Msg From Admin: List Closing

From: "Tara" <TKnapp@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Fri
5 Jul 2002 19:12:05 -0400

(resending - I think I went over the line limit the first time)
Try "one of four or five", Michele.  And if you're going to call people or their posts stupid, then you should once again take a look at yourself.  I was planning on staying out of this, as personal attacks and fighting aren't generally my style, but I'm sick and tired of seeing you slam people.  I would expect someone your age to not be shooting out personal attacks like an angry teenager.  Not to mention, your grammar is deplorable.  Your complete inability to hold an intelligent conversation stuns me... I know I wasn't the only one shocked to discover that you were not, in fact, 12 or 13 years old.  (And I mean no offense to people of those ages).
The only thing NightStorm ever did to you before you started bashing him was to try to help you - he explained the trouble with the emoticons you were constantly using, and how to fix the problem, and you then began slamming him along with other members of the list. 
I'm staying out of any disagreements between Debbi and Jim - I've stated my opinion in the past, and it still stands.  I have respect for both of them, but I know that nothing I can say will change either of their minds.  However, you have never given me cause to have any respect for you, especially after emailing me privately and badmouthing Scott behind his back - I'm guessing you didn't know back then that I'm engaged to him, and therefore am not very receptive to insults against him.
I don't know what your problem is, but I'm tired of being subjected to it.  I'm almost glad this list is closing, and the only reason for that is because of people like you.  I can't say I blame Wind Up for their decision, seeing what the list has deteriorated into in the last year or two. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Michele Arnold
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: Msg From Admin: List Closing

LOL!!!! O that was the best laugh ever, lol, i just got home and wondered what the clan was up to lmao! Lawd that was good:) Some mails i've deleted so i have no knowledge of anything from NS or Joe lately, probably stupid shit as usual lmfao!!! HEY CHOQUETTE, woo wee you told Joe eh lmao:) Jim i'm still laughin lmao

Michele *one of many on this list* hehe