Re: I'm from the best damn place in the world the UK

From: "Michele Arnold" <shanesmy10@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sun
2 Jun 2002 18:07:18 -0700

Jimmy Eat World is great too, forgot to mention, as i saw their newest video and it was good:)

  Ross Johnson <ross@AOLHATER.FREESERVE.CO.UK> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: Kristian Rees-Bains

I'm also new and Iike Jimmy Eat World, Creed(obviously), Nickleback and most good bands.  I would like to know if anyone in the UK has managed to get 'is this the end' or 'to whom it may concern'  because I ain't heard nowt.  Kristian

'Nowt' is such a british term. I love it!
Hmmm, TWIMC is on several singles, aswell as on the dvd.
ITTE is on the scream 3 soundtrack. Probably on numerous singles too.
Mr Mungo, NP Familiar 48 - I know

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