Re: What 'nowt' means

From: "David Brush" <brushd@CLARKSON.EDU>
Date: Fri
31 May 2002 22:24:33 -0400

Umm, I believe the word you're referring to is spelled "naught" in the US, and pronounced "not".  If I'm wrong feel free to correct me.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kristian Rees-Bains
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 2:35 PM
Subject: What 'nowt' means

Nowt means nothing, zero, zilch.  I'm assuming you're from the USA so I think
you'd better watch yerself when using British words because I hear not many
Americans like us British.  I like aspects of America, such as 'The Simpsons'
and obviously Creed.   - Kristian

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