Re: Check out 12Stones today...

From: "Jessica" <sevendustcreedfan@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Wed
15 May 2002 16:55:52 -0700

Thanks for the info Nora. I love 12 Stones. =-)

  Nora Fournier <Noras808@AOL.COM> wrote:

Click here:

Hi Everyone,
  Just thought I'd share!  For those that like 12Stones or for those that don't know them .  Creeds label mates..
They will be doing live interview today.    
5:30 ET  4:30PM Central         Check them out...  They Rock

CREED'S the REAL thing:)                         Nora

~*~Jessica aka Happy~*~

"I can't believe it!  20,000 people staring at me and not one of you could tell me my fly was open?" --Scott Stapp in concert

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