Cancelled Shows

From: "Tara" <TKnapp@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Wed
1 May 2002 10:16:05 -0400

You know, a lot of people spent more than face value on their tickets by purchasing them over e-bay and the like.  So they're pretty much stuck with the financial loss of the difference between the face value cost and what the 'vendors' sold the tickets for.  I somehow don't see many people who sold tickets on e-bay refunding the exorbitant prices they were charging, and then settling for the face value refund they'd get on the tickets.  And with Mad's post, about ticketmaster just automatically crediting the accounts of people who bought them online... does that mean the people who bought tickets online and then sold them for a profit will get reimbursed for the tickets twice?  Once from the person who bought the tickets, and once from ticketmaster crediting their accounts?  And will the people who purchased their tickets still be able to get reimbursed even the face value, since those particular tickets have already been reimbursed?
Maybe Creed is in cohoots with the scalpers!  I mean, the 'brokers' already made a profit off the tickets once.  If Creed follows through with rescheduling those shows, then there's another chance for tickets to be bought and resold at a higher price, thereby allowing those people to get $50 - $250 over the face value TWICE.  What a scam!  Creed is probably getting a percentage of the profits, since the shows being cancelled and rescheduled gives the resellers double the opportunity to rip people off on ticket prices.  It was probably planned all along - Creed was just waiting to make sure people would actually pay $200 a ticket from e-bay before going through with the plan... hmm...  $50 a ticket, plus an extra $25 or so each ticket from their percentage of the rescheduled shows tickets being sold on e-bay for the second time...
(Gee, maybe I should get a job helping to write the script for Conspiracy Theory 2, huh?)
P.S.  If you can't take a joke, please don't respond to this post, or read anything else I send to the list.