Re: One man's opinion of "moderation"

From: "Kitlynn OxO" <blonde_skylight@JUNO.COM>
Date: Fri
22 Mar 2002 16:31:14 -0800

You make a good point. 
People have different morals; morals affect moderation.  Can we blame them?  No.
Are they always right?  No.  Which makes it hard to do.
Being there and people knowing they are there is usually enough of a deterrence.
Too many discrepancies are being allowed through though.
Obvious attempts seem to be the only things moderated.
Having moderators can have its good points also.  If they are fair, it could be good-natured!
Fun?  I wouldn't go that far with it though.  But some seem to think so.
----Original Message-----
From: Keith Mears [mailto:kthulu@COMTECK.COM]
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:45 AM
Subject: One man's opinion of "moderation"
Maybe it's just me, but it would seem that the "moderation" is a
complete failure.
Only a select few (Michele's "Fab Four", as she has dubbed us) seem
truly "moderated".
Despite the fact that she openly attacked us, Michele's post was 
allowed to go through.
Even if you accept what she said as true, the moderator should have
rejected the post.
Reality would therefore seem to indicate this is more of a gag 
order than moderation.
An effort needs to be made to ensure that the moderation is 
enforced EQUALLY.
To allow such a clear double standard is to defeat the purpose of 
HAVING moderation.
I will be the first to admit that I have ALWAYS been fond of causing 
a stir on this list.
Only the newer members, and the lurkers, have been spared from my 
flame at some point.
None can say that I have ever been afraid to speak my mind, and 
that hasn't changed.
I am also well equipped to deal with people who wish to flame ME for 
my outspokenness.
Sadly, it appears that now the playing field is no longer level for 
all "contestants".
For those of us in the "Fab Four", we have effectively become 
sitting ducks for the others.
Understand that I have NO problem with people taking their best shot 
at me, metaphorically.
Calling me out, though, while NOT allowing me to respond in kind, is 
an absolute travesty.
Keeping things as they are now simply doesn't jive with the 
perceived goal of moderation.
Everyone's posts must be judged by the SAME criteria if moderation 
is to work at all.
Different criteria for different members can only lead to an even 
worse situation.
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