Re: burning cds for a friend: stealing or saving money?

From: "Debbi" <debbir@LAFORNARA.COM>
Date: Thu
7 Mar 2002 10:24:55 -0800

wow, your grasp of basic intellectual property law and digital rights management under whelms me.
guess what?  you're wrong.  programs like Morepheus, when they're used to "share" copyrighted material are ILLEGAL - do you remember a little thing called Napster?  it made page 39484848 in a few local papers a while back.
Guess what?  borrowing a copyrighted cd is fine because the license was purchased for a SINGLE copy of it when the cd was purchased.  if you COPY it and then loan it to a friend, ILLEGAL.
Is this concept seriously this difficult to grasp, or are you idiots just trying to make yourselves feel better for stealing?  I mean, if you can sleep better at night knowing you did everything you could to convince yourself that your behavior somehow isn't wrong, then go for it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sherri []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: burning cds for a friend: stealing or saving money?

On a program like is not stealing.  It is peer to peer music sharing. Is there anything wrong with that? Kinda like borrowing a cd from a friend. Right?

  Debbi <debbir@LAFORNARA.COM> wrote:

It's not a belief.  It's a fact. 
what kind of stupid question is that, anyway?   It doesn't matter if it's wrong because it's illegal.
-----Original Message-----
From: Creed Discussion List [mailto:CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM] On Behalf Of Dinah Dycus
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 2:42 PM
Subject: burning cds for a friend: stealing or saving money?

i didn't really know that some people feel so strongly about burning cd's and the belief that it's what about dl'ing music and compiling a cd that brother got the entire weathered cd on the internet somehow before it was even that wrong too?


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