Re: burning cds for a friend: stealing or saving money?

From: "Dave Brush" <brushd@CLARKSON.EDU>
Date: Thu
7 Mar 2002 02:36:52 -0500

Lemme see, yes and no.  Yes to burning one for a friend, not to keeping a backup copy.  And as for the purpose of CD burners, it's kinda like VCRs.  There are legitimate uses, but they're rarely used for those.  Things like Data CDs and remixing songs you own.
NP:  November Rain, Guns N' Roses
----- Original Message -----
From: Prplsuede@AOL.COM
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: burning cds for a friend: stealing or saving money?

Just one question. I have never downloaded anything (music) from the computer before and don't intend to but what about buying the CD and burning a new one for a friend or as a backup? Stealing also? And if so then what the heck was a CD burner ever invented for?
