Re: what is creed?

From: "Sas Elb" <Saselb@AOL.COM>
Date: Mon
4 Mar 2002 21:17:02 EST

In a message dated 3/4/02 11:02:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, charith911@YAHOO.COM writes:

is creed a salvation band or a devil in disguise?

First of all your question has sparked more dialogue from this list than I have seen for weeks. Nice job.

I think it is up to the individual on how they interpet the information.  There really is no cut and dry answer.

If you want to you could see some of the lyrics as a deliberate separation from some organized religions practices.  Catholics, myself being one, are not too fond of individuals interpreting the bible without bible studies or sermons from an educated priest. ( I am not condemning reading the bible or creating your own personal relationship with God. It is just something some forms of Christianity would want you to do with someone or  a group who has done extensive study or understands the history of the bible.)

Or... You could view the lyrics of the more religiously inclined songs as an individuals search for meaning and a relationship with his God.
