Re: what is creed?

From: "Greg Keltner" <mrfunfoods@DELLMAIL.COM>
Date: Mon
4 Mar 2002 20:34:14 -0600

I don't like the LABEL Christian. It wasn't a slam to anyone - but since we weren't talking about agnostics, atheists, Buddhists...I addressed the subject involved which was Christian.
I have some very good, sound reasons to back up my view. I can sound harsh against any number of things so I wasn't singling this out. It is a topic that I am intimately familiar with (but I'll avoid the Christian-Religious pissing matches) but I won't go into the reasons now why. It's quite possible you may not fit any of those negative connotations, but when you adopt a label - you adopt more than a name sometimes.
This is the reason I DETEST lables. I get labeled all the time - and frankly am sick of it.
NP - She's Got Issues, The Offspring
-----Original Message-----
From: Kimberly Reid []
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: what is creed?

Surely, Greg, Christians in church are not the only examples of hypocrisy that you have come across, huh?  What percentage of people that you come into contact with each day are "Christian?"  What are the others---agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Scientologists?  Maybe it just seems that most hypocrites are Christian because that is mainly who you associate with every day.  I am, by no means, defending the pious hypocrites whom I know exist in great number, but you just sounded really harsh against the label "Christian," and I, for one, am proud to be one.