Odp: Re: Introducing mahself..

From: "Agnieszka" <agie_j@GO2.PL>
Date: Tue
23 Oct 2001 16:31:11 +0200

You weren't the only one unlucky Jenn,lol. Since few months I can't find "HC" here either (I have my own copy, just wanted to check if the cds are in stores), in internet stores there was written "not available", but few days ago I was there again and saw they have "HC" back with another bonus track -  "WAWO Strings version". You can buy "MOP" though.

~maybe if we are surrounded in beauty, someday we will become what we see~ jewel

----- Original Message -----
From: Lvablemm@CS.COM
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Introducing mahself..

When I was in France in May, I was hoping to pick up a European copy of HC or
MOP, but couldn't find either!   I went to several stores.  Maybe I was just


In a message dated 10/20/2001 9:35:16 PM Central Daylight Time,
creed7m3live@COLUMBUS.RR.COM writes:

 That sounds like what some people from Europe were saying about their
 stores. It is pretty bad to not be able to find the music you really
 want to buy. It sounds like shopping in one of our store chains.
 A little of everything, except what you really are looking for >>

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