Re: really random question 2

From: "creed~tunes~fan" <creedtunesfan@PEOPLEPC.COM>
Date: Mon
15 Oct 2001 11:05:57 -0400

Good call, Scott.  Is it just me, or does anyone else get the feeling that
she's opposed to inter-racial marriages/relationships as well?
I never mentioned inter racial marriages since you did let me clarify.  I only want my daughters to be happy with the man they choose.  His skin color doesn't bother me really.  In my opinion I would rather see my daughter with a man that treats her with respect from any race than a white male that treats her badly.  That is my opinion I don't care what others think about it.
I hope your attitude changes soon because if
the current research is to be believed, your daughters will choose
alternative lifestyles just to irritate you if you shove your uptight
and completely illogical beliefs down their throats. 
I don't shove my beliefs down their throats but I am a parent who is involved with my kids.  You don't know anything about me.  I've given up my career to stay home and raise my children in a loving environment that has never contained a lot of negativity.  Raising my children to me means teaching them, nuturing them not shoving my beliefs down their throats.  Some day they will ultimately have to make their own decisions and live with them, I only hope I have been a good example.  Until then I'm responsible for these little human beings and I find that a great joy and a very big responsibility that I have welcomed but not taken lightly from the beginning. 
The thing that really got to me, more than the fact that she was against it
(she has that right, and I could care less about that) is how she voiced her
disapproval in it.  It's like she has never even actually researched into
homosexuality to see what it really is.  Kind of reminds me of the
stereotyping that came along with the AIDS virus ("It's a gay disease"...
"only homosexuals ever get infected by it"... "If they have it, then they
MUST have done something wrong to catch it in the first place"... "you must
have had unprotected sex to catch it"). 
I think I have made my feelings on that clear before I ever read you email.  However if you know that there are risks and you take them don't be surprised at the outcome.  My beliefs come from more than religion, they are based somewhat on things that I witnessed in life and the very short life of my best friend who I miss every day.
 I guess now everyone is going to start attacking religion.  You should realize how easy it is to bash someone for their beliefs because your doing it yourself. 