Re: Odp:Re: 'My Sacrifice' Inspiration .. contradiction

From: "]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[" <swhite@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Sun
14 Oct 2001 02:33:40 -0400

Well, thinking it over, I don't really have the time to filter through mails from people making requests for the "My Sacrifice" MP3, so instead what I'll do here is release the info to everyone here on the list.  Pay close attention to what the webpage says before you make the download, though... some of it might be considered important.  Enjoy it, and I will inform everyone as I update (possibly the new singles converted to MP3 as they are released... who knows... depends on demand).  And Keith, should you wish to make a Shameless Plug, you can post this info on your list as well, if you so choose.