Odp: Re: All Add up to 11 (My thoughts)

From: "Agnieszka" <agiecreed@GO2.PL>
Date: Sat
15 Sep 2001 23:22:38 +0200

That's very possible, although telling the truth I would say it's probably more against USA than just one person  - USA they think it's "Satan" who wants to rule the world.
Interesting fact is also, that while the war Afghanistan against (back then) USSR Americans supported Afghanistan by sending money, weapon,training (teaching) those people, and as some say that bin Laden was teached by American agents (CIA) too...
----- Original Message -----
From: ]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[ <NightStorm_Draco_@HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: All Add up to 11 (My thoughts)

> And to anyone else, since we're allowed to spread fear on the list... have
> any of you noticed that bin Laden has had something against the United
> States since the Gulf War, but chose now to make a direct attack on US soil?
> Has anyone wondered why, or noticed the coincidence of the fact that it was
> President Bush's father who ordered the Gulf War in the first place?
> Perhaps he doesn't have something against the country, but has something
> against the family instead?  Just something to turn in your heads, since
> other non-related coincidences are allowed too.
> ¤]\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[¤ (who thinks that people that fear the number 11 are going
> to have a hard time balancing checkbooks)
> http://NightStorm.isyourgod.com/
> NightStorm_Draco_@hotmail.com
> NightStorm_Draco@creedlist.com
> NightStorm@isyourgod.com
> I've seen the wicked fruit of your vine, Destroy the man who lacks a strong
> mind
> Human pride sings a vengeful song Inspired by the times you've been walked
> on
> My stage is shared by many millions, Who lift their hands up high because
> they feel this
> We are one We are strong, The more you hold us down the more we press on
> What if you did? What if you lied? What if I avenge? What if eye for an eye?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: creedtunesfan <creedtunesfan@PEOPLEPC.COM>
> Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 4:24 PM
> Subject: Re: All Add up to 11 (My thoughts)
> > For the love of GOD,  not this shit again!  Its time to envoke rule # 7
> for
> > Tara------straight to the trash can.  You gotta love outlook express.
> >     ~~~Melissa~~~
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