Re: NCR: speed limit

From: "Nikki Rau" <NikNikIsCreedy@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri
7 Sep 2001 01:02:55 EDT

In a message dated 9/6/2001 9:40:49 PM Central Daylight Time,
playingmyowngoddamngameandlosing@YAHOO.COM writes:

I was having a convo with my dad earlier and we
were talking about the states and came to a
disagreement, so I thought I'd ask you guys to
try and help us out.
What is the speed limit in the states????

Mr Mungo

Well here in Missouri, alot of the highways are 70 miles...some are 65, and
alot of the back roads and service roads are sometimes 45 or 55, driving
through neighborhoods or busy towns vary too..those are usually slower.  But
each state is different I believe.
