From: "Keith P. Mears" <kthulu@COMTECK.COM>
Date: Tue
28 Aug 2001 02:13:34 -0500

I think Keith has you filtered, Jim, so he won't see this.  But as far
as personal attacks go, this might very well be the most egregious one I've seen to date on this list.  Congratulations.  You can pick up the "asshole" crown from Jon
I wasn't going to reply to this any further than what I already have, but when Debbi actually TOLD me what Jim said, I felt I HAD to go further.  I am STILL in disbelief that even HE could sink that low.  And Tara, I'm really surprised that you can defend him after a comment like that.  I will be the first to admit that I may have been a bit rough with Jim regarding the whole "Windows vs. Linux" thread, but compared to Kevin and King Dovregubben, I've almost been on Jim's side (and I mean no offense to either Kevin or KD with this remark, just making a point). 
I'm sure there are plenty of people here who will remember Michele (shell696) and myself getting into a pretty heated debate about list "newbies" and respecting those that have been here so long, but we must all know that respect is a two way street.  You have to GIVE respect to GET it, and after hearing what Jim's comment was (thank you to Alex and Debbi and others who snipped it when replying), I have absolutely none for him.  And for the record, yes, I DO (or did, if he actually HAS left the list) have Jim filtered.  In fact, I did that OUT OF RESPECT, because I could see that I was beginning to take Jim's views on the whole thread a little too personally, so rather than sink to the level which he now has, I decided the best thing to do was simply ignore him.  Should this mean I DON'T reply to thread he responded in?  Absolutely not, because while there may be nobody here who is quite as vocal as I am, Jim is (or was, as the case may be) pretty vocal, and if I limit myself to replying to posts to which he HASN'T replied, I might as well lurk.  Everyone here knows that I was actively involved in the "ass" thread, but I do also like to post in threads that have actual MEANING, other than just being fun.
What makes Jim's attack even more disturbing is the fact that it was SO inappropriate.  Most of those who will read this already know of my little faux pas regarding Lizzy's age, but any comments I made to her were PURELY meant as jokes, and I think everybody knows that.  Jim's VICIOUS attack on my character was just flat out WRONG.  It was a violation of my privacy (regardless of the fact that I HAVE openly admitted to having done time), and were it not for the fact that I think his intention may have been to run me off, I might consider leaving.  I'm still debating on whether or not to write to Ed and asking to have Jim removed (if he HASN'T removed himself), but I don't think it should come to that.  And regardless of how long I've been here, I have made MANY friends, and I think I am just as valuable a part of this list as Jim ever was.
Keith Mears