Re: lesbian women & very strange men (NCR)

From: "Nikki Rau" <NikNikIsCreedy@AOL.COM>
Date: Mon
27 Aug 2001 15:32:49 EDT

In a message dated 8/26/2001 10:36:26 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

>   Ross, I have a feeling you like it when
> someobdy is a bad influence on
now Nikki, what makes you say such a thing??

  Oh, its just a feeling i have..hehe

>   He told me something came up with one of his
> buddies, and he will call
> me...

hope you tell him where to go in 2, yet effective

No, not yet...its actually not pissing me off too incredibely bad..I've
dealt with alot worse.

but I don't believe him...I think he just
> don't like
ahhh, how can someone not like you!? you're too
damn loveable!

awww, thanks Ross, at least somebody thinks so.

you only say that cuz you've never seen me mad!
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! lol

well if I ever do see you mad I will just have to put you in your place..I
can deal with mad.

OK. I've stopped looking for love now.
waiting, waiting, waiting. ok, love ain't coming
Nikki! what happened?!
you know i'm not a patient guy!

okay, so maybe not the second you stop looking..have

thank you for saying so, but i like crazy. Crazy
is good. I don't particulary like normal girls.
They're boring and dull.

well I mean crazy in the bad way that they can't see that you are a really
nice guy


> >hehe, me, have a plan of attack?? I have
> trouble planning what I am going to
> do tomorrow much less planning an attack on you
> lot!!
that's what they all say! :-)

its true, I swear!!
