Re: Odp: Re: Multi-lingual signs... Multilanguages

From: "Keith P. Mears" <kthulu@COMTECK.COM>
Date: Tue
7 Aug 2001 17:41:08 -0500

And this is pretty much exactly what I meant.  When I took Spanish in school, my teacher was Puerto Rican, I had several Filipino classmates, a few Mexican classmates, and one who was actually FROM Spain (he was taking EVERY language course offered as electives;  this guy was like Einstein!).  It was more than a bit humorous to hear them talk to each other in Spanish, and I can't tell you how many times I heard from one of my Hispanic classmates, "Man, she TOTALLY told you the wrong word for <whatever the word was>.  It's SUPPOSED to be <insert the Mexican, Filipino, or (true) Spanish word here>."  Maybe that's why I remember so little Spanish now (or maybe it's just the drugs).
BUT I have a Chilean friend and she says she can tell you where a person come from just by the way she/he talks, she can tell if the person is from Ecuador, Peru or Mexico, etc.