NCR: Review Part 2

From: "Keith P. Mears" <kthulu@COMTECK.COM>
Date: Mon
30 Jul 2001 11:20:04 -0500

I reiterate, I HATE line limits!
Following their set, we stuck around the second stage for Linkin Park, the headliners of the stage.  We managed to get within about 8 feet of the stage (I think EVERYONE was there to see these guys!).  After they FINALLY got the drum kit mic'ed properly, they took the stage at 6:15, and where Static-X rocked the house, Linkin Park TORE IT DOWN!  The crowd became one, all-encompassing mosh pit, and people were dropping like flies (at one point, there were FOUR people surfing in the same exact spot).  What was really cool was the band stopping at one point and trying to get control of the unbridled carnage in the crowd.  The lead singer (MAN, I wish I knew names!) told us if he saw one more woman being carted out on a stretcher, he was done.  Amazingly, IT WORKED!  So, when they finsished up, we headed back for the main stage, just in time to catch Days of the New.  Trust me folks, Scott and Tara were right.  DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THEM, unless they're part of a package deal like this one.  Flat-out awful.  The language was atrociuos, and the attitude was worse.  I think they managed to insult and/or offend the ENTIRE crowd.  And to make it worse (I have no idea if it's TRUE or not), the lead singer claimed ot be FROM INDIANA!  That almost got him booed off the stage, which would have been fine by me.  But enough of DOTN.  Following them, we were witness to Stupid X-Tricks, which included "Disco Ernie", an 87 year-old guy being paraded around with two GORGEOUS ladies in bikinis for comic relief (he was actually quite entertaining!), followed by Dan Hernandez, "The World's Only Bounce Piano Player".  He juggled between 3 and 7 balls onto his "bounce piano", basically a keyboard with really large keys, placed on the ground and played by bouncing the balls on the keys.  It was awesome!  He played Beethoven, Bach, Gershwin, and a couple others I don't know the names of, and we loved it!  By now it's almost 8:30, and we are awaiting Live.  I've been waiting 6 years to see these guys, and it was worth the wait!  Ed and company were absolutely incredible.  They played two from the new album, and then mixed in the rest of their material, and even managed to point out the folly of the "teen pop crap" (Ed was a bit more cutting than that, but that was the gist of it!).  Finally after another short delay in getting equipment set up properly, it was time for Rammstein, who IMO stole the show.  Simply breathtaking, even if I couldn't understand a word they said, except for "Thank you very much" when they were done.  At one point, the lead guitarist had fire billowing from his guitar!  The lead singer was exuding smoke from his clothes, and later had pyro attached to his shoes, and their was one song where he had a flamethrower attached to his face, which shot flame about 15 feet whenever he sang!  Visually, theirs was one of the best shows I've seen in years, and "Du Hast" was just awesome.
Well, I think that pretty much covers it.  Feel free to ask any questions, as I know this was a pretty BRIEF review (DAMN that line limit!), but with 11 bands, it's hard to go into too many specifics in 250 lines!