Re: NCR - A great way for bands to give fans incentives to buy instead of dow...

From: "Keith Mears" <kthulu@COMTECK.COM>
Date: Sat
16 Jun 2001 22:23:37 -0500

As an AVID Metallica fan, AND being anti-Napster, I think you've raised a good point Bklyn, but I think you've missed the larger point.  I think the point that Lars and Co. are trying to make is that while their ARE plenty of people who, after downloading a song or two, will still go out and buy the CD (as I have done myself, though not through Napster), there are many more in this day and age of "Internet freebies" (for lack of a better term) who will NOT.  And while their is NO DOUBT that they (Metallica, Dr. Dre, and others) have plenty of money, there should also be no doubt that despite having all that money, these artists work damn hard at making THEIR music, and just like WE all expect to get paid for doing our jobs, they expect the same.  Anyway, that's MY opininon of the whole Napster issue.