NCR: additional info on me (i.e. Ewa)

From: "fmn" <fmniganmu@ALPHA.LINKSERVE.COM>
Date: Tue
29 May 2001 15:00:37 -0700

W koncu odzywam sie do Ciebie. Przepraszam, ze tak wyszlo, tzn. ze nie napisalam do Ciebie wczesniej. Tak bardzo zaabsorbowala mnie ta filozoficzna dyskusja, a pozniej zawsze nie mialam czasu, zeby do Ciebie napisac.
Fajnie, ze jestes na liscie. Ciesze sie, ze mam "bratnia dusze" z Polski. Nie wiem.. moze lepiej kontynuowac po angielsku, bo to nie wypada w stosunku do innych na liscie?
ok. sorry about that everyone! That were just some words in Polish (basically saying sorry for not having written earlier & expressing my gladness about having a compatriot on the list - which to many of you may be nothing extraordinary)
So, let me just continue in English from here on so that everyone can learn something more about me (if they wish to - in the first place, that is...;-).
I'm 19, going to school (sorry don't know the American school system that well as to be able to be more precise here), love Creed (nah, really?.. hehe), loooooove philosophy (notice the "o"-concentration, as it increases.. hehe) and loooooooooooooove Creed's philosophy/attitude/creed/message (however you want to name it). I like playing tennis and volleyball, reading books, listening to music (Creed, 3 doors down, Fuel, Korn). I write poetry. And I am glad to be alive!
You guys feel like introducing yourself? or knowing more about me? Don't hesitate.
I would especially like to know more about my "philosophical" friends, Jim, Jackson and Tara!