Re: NCR - (sort of) - sympathy needed

From: "Nikki Rau" <niknik_is_creedy@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Fri
25 May 2001 18:14:30 -0500

Lee, I was having that fear too, of someday my puter deciding to lose everything, and when I finally got my burner, I put all of them on cd's right away and I feel so much better now, that cd burner was the best investment I have made in a while..I am a burning fool now..I'm always playing with it and burning anything I can...I'm such a


I have a question. What is the one thing that is completely out of our control? What has no face, no personality, no beginning and no end? What transcends all race, culture and language, and dictates our actions and keeps us in sync? Give up? Some have more, some have less. It all depends on what you decide to do with it. Everyone has the opportunity to shine. Everyone can have their moment in the spotlight. Others will have their time, but this is our time, the only difference, we're here to stay.

>From: Lee Reed
>Reply-To: Lee Reed
>Subject: Re: NCR - (sort of) - sympathy needed
>Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 09:47:40 -0400
>are you talking about creed stuff you did, or stuff you dl'ed? cuz if it's stuff you dl'ed, i might be able to help you out with some links...let me know...
>(who is dreading the eventuality that i will someday mess up and lose everything that i've collected...all of my mp3's especially...)

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