Re: Odp: RE: ncr - top vocalists

From: "Jackson Crawford" <corvvs@WT.NET>
Date: Fri
25 May 2001 14:48:55 -0500

    LoL, yummy? Are you deprived of baritone voices in Poland these days?
    Now the discussion is really getting interesting, lol...

Jackson Wade Crawford - the Raven of Texas/ Corvvs Texanis/ Kruk Teksasu/ der Rabe von Texas
International Director, Corvist Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Free Will

-----Original Message-----
From: Agnieszka []
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 2:47 PM
Subject: Odp: RE: ncr - top vocalists

real deep voice ???????????? yummy !!!!!!! I want to hear him, why is he backing vocalist ... why do you suggest to download (skrape) Salma ?

backing vocalist will hunt from
skrape...really little guy, real deep voice.
