Re: just curious about all this hype....

From: "Nikki Rau" <niknik_is_creedy@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Wed
23 May 2001 22:41:25 -0500

I don't think their personal lives are discussed much on here, but personally, I don't care about their personal lives, its the music thats important..


I have a question. What is the one thing that is completely out of our control? What has no face, no personality, no beginning and no end? What transcends all race, culture and language, and dictates our actions and keeps us in sync? Give up? Some have more, some have less. It all depends on what you decide to do with it. Everyone has the opportunity to shine. Everyone can have their moment in the spotlight. Others will have their time, but this is our time, the only difference, we're here to stay.

>From: Chainsoffire@AOL.COM
>Reply-To: Chainsoffire@AOL.COM
>Subject: just curious about all this hype....
>Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 15:13:28 EDT
>Creed is a great band don't get me wrong. But what I am going to say will
>shock people...They are just a band!!! We discuss there life like no
>tomorrow. I am begging to think we have no lives of our own. How would it
>feel if we were getting our personal life broadcasted over a discussion list.
>I'm not saying its bad I am just as guilty as the next guy but I think that
>maybe we shouldn't concern ourselves too with creed. They are just a
>talahassee band that broke big, and before you go jumping all over me i am
>probobly one of the bigest creed fans out there but i am just providing
>another out look on things. Let Creed worry about the mean time
>lets just sit back and enjoy their music as we would anyother band.
> "I know that one day we wont be the biggest rock band in the world but i
>know that in the end i will be happy either way"
>~Scott Stapp~

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