Lost faith 3

From: "fmn" <fmniganmu@ALPHA.LINKSERVE.COM>
Date: Sat
19 May 2001 20:10:24 -0700

What I mean by "comfort" is: physical comfort and yeah, I guess it's nice and all but it doesn't give you a deep satisfaction, the satisfaction it gives you is superficial & temporary. So "losing ones faith" can mean different things depending on how deep you go in losing it.
Another aspect to this issue is: Many who claim to be atheists are infact most religious people and vice versa (- although it's the vice versa part that is more known/recognized and criticized, too..;-) ). So this is just a matter of definition and I believe it is ultimately not for us to decide whether f. eg. we are real Christians or not because nobody can claim to be as objective as to be able to judge him/herself correctly. So according to this viewpoint you may be claiming to lose something you never had - or gaining something you already had etc.