Odp: RE: Odp: RE: Odp: RE: Mr. Stapp and his temper.

From: "Jackson Crawford" <corvvs@WT.NET>
Date: Wed
25 Apr 2001 16:29:50 -0500

Re: Odp: RE: Odp: RE: Mr. Stapp and his temper.
    In college? Thanks, I'm fifteen, but I get that a lot, and it always cracks me up. And insight! I wrote the book on that (literally).
    This subject line is about to get awkwardly long if someone doesn't think of something else to put in it!

Jackson Wade Crawford - The Raven of Texas/ Corvvs Texanis/ Kruk Teksasu
International Director, Corvist Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Free Will

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Saggio [mailto:ksaggio@conleynet.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Odp: RE: Odp: RE: Mr. Stapp and his temper.

on 4/25/01 4:14 PM, Jackson Crawford at corvvs@WT.NET wrote:

Your views are very insightful! I was guessing you were already in college. -Kim

   Studying social psychology? Awesome! That's probably going to be a major candidate for my field of study if/ when I can get in to college. People say I'm a natural for this stuff, what can I say...and yes, as I had said before, just about every opinion that can be voiced on this subject has already been voiced - just because two people are yelling the same thing at the same time doesn't mean that someone across the field can hear them any better.
Jackson Wade Crawford - The Raven of Texas/ Corvvs Texanis/ Kruk Teksasu
International Director, Corvist Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Free Will

-----Original Message-----
From: Angelmom7900@aol.com [mailto:Angelmom7900@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 4:09 PM
To: corvvs@wt.net; CREED-DISCUSS@winduplist.com
Subject: Re: Odp: RE: Mr. Stapp and his temper.

You know I'm studying social-psychology in college...and yeah, this
discussion list would qualify for it, by the way, I really liked and agreed
with everything you said! I wish this conversation of "Mr. Stapp and his
temper" would be over already!!

Megan :-)