Re: Mr. Stapp and his temper.

From: "creedtunesfan" <creedtunesfan@PEOPLEPC.COM>
Date: Wed
25 Apr 2001 02:21:31 -0400

My opinion is that I think he catches enough hell from everyone else.  Maybe thats the problem.  He's totally bombarded with comments on everything from his singing to the way he wears his hair.   Even the so called fans will be the first ones to jump in and start tearing him apart.  It wouldn't be easy to put yourself out there like that and listen to the public judging every move.  Its one thing to have your performance torn apart to critics (you can rise above that when the fans back you up with album sales and awards) but to have your entire life under a microscope is a different thing all together. You truely give up a lot to be a rock star/celebrity of any kind.  Its something I never thought much about until I started really getting into Creed a few years ago.
This isn't meant to be directed at you by the way, this is just my observation about the public in general. 
Keep Smiling
----- Original Message -----
From: SylverGryphon3@AOL.COM
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 9:05 PM
Subject: Mr. Stapp and his temper.

Hey Creedsters,

I'm probably going to get bitched out for this comment but I really don't
care right now.  I think this needs to be said.

Seems to me that our Mr. Stapp is getting a little to big for his britches.  
I think that maybe we should bombard the website with letters stating our
concern.  We can go on the bulletin board or do it by e-mail or both but I
think that Mr. Stapp needs to hear from us about getting of his high horse.  
Don't get me wrong, I still love him and the rest of the group, but I really
think that he needs to hear from us that maybe he should start controlling
his temper and whatnot.  I think that if he hears our concerns maybe he'll
listen to us.  I know that I'm probably pissing a lot of people off and if so
go and head and let me have it but I just had to say my peace.


Charlie (Caroline)