Re: Who was that mad poster?... Plus Welcome back Rob!!!!

From: "Lee Reed" <creedyrn@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Sun
8 Apr 2001 00:11:11 -0400

jim, i need that program you have...i ALWAYS make sure i check the very bottom of your email, i never know what to expect...and it's either thought provoking, or good for a laugh!
i personally don't remember say their mp3s were on i'll have to look them up (waving hi to rob anyhow!)...and i like the idea that perhaps it was fred in disguise...well, it's funny to consider, anyhow...
(who's jamming to her dl's of blue collar right now.....lies....are what they tell me....._

----- Original Message -----
From: Creed - 7M3 - Live
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: Who was that mad poster?... Plus Welcome back Rob!!!!

I think that it was probably someone other than either of the two.
Before Brian Marshall departed Creed. There was a lot of comments about
BM on this list that were sort of positive. But most of them were about
his appearance and stuff.

About  "no one in particular". I'm not sure of who in the world he might
of been. The message made no sense to me. It didn't sound like something
that would of been said by the make of the message.

As far as I know. BM is in some sort of band. But also there is a person
that a guy named Rob that is on the list used to have called "Distance
Zero". Their music sounded pretty good.
I'm sure that BM could probably get hooked up with any group of
bandmates that he chose to pursue. His bass playing on the "My Own
Prison" album was pretty good and it was resonating. Instead of
harmonically distorted and stuff. Like the bass on the HC album.

Welcome back to the list Rob. I enjoyed listening to the Mp3's you all
had on awhile back. Are they still up there?

Jackson. I'm glad that you joined the flock of real time postings. They
are a little easier to segregate with topics. That is, if we remember to
change them.


Jim Cornette

PS -- The signature was automatically selected. I'm not out to clean up
the world . We still have 2% left. Then off to mars. :-)

Jackson Crawford wrote:

>         I just tried to send that No One In Particular bastard a few emails about
> what I thought of him (choicely worded, as a matter of course) and
> apparently he's not even a valid Juno or whatever user. So not only does he
> make a nameless, hit and run attack on the list, he ditches his own address
> afterward so that we can't even find him!!!!!!! What a coward!!!!!!!
>         Another thought...maybe he's not Brian Marshall, maybe he's Fred Durst. I
> heard that there was some unkind tension between him and Scott Stapp.
> Speaking of which, does anyone know anything about that?
>         Anyway, I'll see you guys later. Have fun as always, and rock on!
> Jackson Wade Crawford - The Raven/ Corvvs
>        Our Gracious Lord And Master To Whom All Praise And Money Are Rightly
> And Verily Due of the International Enchanting Swordsmen Rifts Campaign
>        International Director, Corvist Association for the Preservation and
> Perpetuation of Free Will
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