Odp:All the stuff that isn't Creed Related

From: "Agnieszka" <agiecreed@GO2.PL>
Date: Sat
7 Apr 2001 01:19:27 +0200

Well, it's a Creed list. But notice - we have NCR topics, which means Not Creed Related, so you can delete it and not read it, you won't miss anything about Creed. But as you know Creed has a break now, they're not touring, so there's not much Creed related to talk about. Personally I think (and I believe some more people too) ,that sharing info about other bands is great, because I have learned about so many good artists here. And then - like it was said many times before-people on the list become friends,so we talk about many things, not only music related, but again they're all NCR, so you can delete it.
And if you don't like the list - you can leave. A lot of people seem to like the way it is though. People stay here for YEARS.
----- Original Message -----
From: <FacelessMan42001@AOL.COM>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 12:47 AM
Subject: All the stuff that isn't Creed Related

> Hi people how is everyone this Friday?
> I was just writing to say that I thought this was a Creed list not a chat
> room about Dale Earnhardt,Fuel,Live,and everything else that has nothing to
> do with Creed.
> I love Creed and don't mind the list except I would like to hear about Creed
> and not all of the above.
> Maybe Wind-up should change the name to "The anything goes list"
> What do you think?
> I bet I will hear from you very soon.
> Thank you
> Take care
> Facelessman42001
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