Re: Cool Hardrock/Scottie Pics

From: "Kristin" <bluzgrrl@ALLTEL.NET>
Date: Mon
2 Apr 2001 22:33:41 -0500

OH thankyouthankyouthankyou V!!!
I am soo excited that you posted this link.  I had no idea how to order it besides actually going to a Hard Rock Cafe to buy one in person.  So now I just ordered it and it should be here by the end of the week!  Thanks again!
Kristin :)
(btw, I had to re-sub under another e-mail address because for some reason my creedgrrl address is no longer accepted :(  So my new address is  And we ended up NOT going to the concert on Saturday night (3DD, Fuel, Oleander) but we sold our tickets for $65 total - same as we paid originally.  I guess we didn't feel like it and wanted to save the money instead.. isn't that crazy?  Oh well.. Sorry I can't send a review.. :(  Talk to you all again soon..
----- Original Message -----
From: Verrronica@AOL.COM
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Cool Hardrock/Scottie Pics

In a message dated 4/2/01 5:27:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Timm99X writes:

I saw that last night and i was going to get the t-shirt but they aren't
selling them but they are advertising them to be sold...what the heck

  They are selling them's the link to order form

     Creed Signature Series Shirt
