Re: mtv dissing creed

From: "Nora Fournier" <CNora808@AOL.COM>
Date: Sat
31 Mar 2001 22:58:30 EST

In a message dated 03/30/2001 9:35:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,
creedfanatic82@HOTMAIL.COM writes:

I dont know if any of you were just watching MTV, but the host from MTV2
with Moby just dissed Creed. He was like Creed is from Florida, and moby was
like who is that look, and he was like they are a good band with his thumb
down- the host. But how rude. why do peoples have to talk bad about bands.
Well I thought I would share catch ya laters.

They are just jealous... Creed has better fans than they do!!!!!!!!!!    
CREED'S the REAL thing:)         Nora