NCR: Journey...

From: "Nora Fournier" <CNora808@AOL.COM>
Date: Thu
29 Mar 2001 23:03:39 EST

I just thought I'd share some info of myself... and Journey's Steve Perry..
 When I was young, back in 1977. I was working at an airport and I met him
there.. I hated him..... He loved me.... He would not leave me alone... I
have such good taste... Because he is still strange... he did alot of
coke...when i knew him..
My brother kicks me everytime i see him, because I would not marry him..he
started sending limos to my house with flowers... you name it... I have a
necklace he bought me.. and the only reason I still have it is he would not
take it back....   I just seen them on Vh1 and just thought I'd share my
young days.. alittle anyway...LOL                  Nora