Re: NCR: Hello

From: <blue_skylight@JUNO.COM>
Date: Thu
29 Mar 2001 17:53:41 -0800

Hey, I guess the list hasn't been too active lately.
Hang in there!  :)  Hope your neice does better soon.  Can't rush labor.  :)
Prayers are with her,
Hopper (*_*)
On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:27:40 EST Nora Fournier <CNora808@AOL.COM> writes:
Just wanted to say hi... Have not had to many emails... what's up...
everybody still here???   Or did we all get kicked off..LOL...
It is cold here in Michigan... Bad Body day for us.... Can't wait for the
heat....summer....  Hope everyone is doing well...  My niece is the same..
did not have the baby.. she is on complete bed rest... they can't do anything
with her until the baby is born... and she stopped today... so we are just
well everyone have a great night...
CREED'S the REAL thing:)         Nora