Re: response to Tara

From: "]\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[" <swhite@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Thu
14 Feb 2002 17:52:16 -0500

    As you pointed out in your prior post Tara, I believe that the description that Chastity just game us sounds exactly like Welfare to me.
    I must admit that I love this quote... "To be perfectly honest I have no time to be concerned with helping people, pleople should help themselves." (Umm... WTF is pleople?  Spell check?  You work at a school... don't they show you how to type?)
Operator: "911... Police, Fire, or Ambulance?"
Caller: "HELP! My baby isn't breathing... I need help please!!"
Operator: "I'm sorry m'am... but Chastity says that people should help themselves.  Thank you for calling.  Have a nice day."
    So Chastity... tell me.  In 30 years, when you look back on your "perfect" life, what sort of impact will you have made on the world to show that you have even existed and weren't just a waste of skin?  Did anyone get a second chance at life because of you?  Perhaps maybe a classroom got an education?  Someone got to walk again?  Enjoy your boring job... the rest of us here will be making something of ourselves.
    Since your job is so much fun, I'm guessing that we won't be seeing anymore "I'm bored... can someone here entertain me please?" posts on your behalf.  To quote: "Hey guys, its Chastity just wanted to let everyone know I'm once again bored to tears at work and trying to pretend like I am working".  Very productive indeed.  Sounds like great fun to me too.
    Be sure to sleep soundly knowing that not only will you never have to break a sweat, but you also will never amount to anything more than being just another number.
    Oh, and I'm sure that your supervisors at Salisbury State University would be thrilled to hear that you enjoy the job they pay you for so much that you need us to entertain you while you pretend to work.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tara
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: response to Tara

<cutting Tara's post, as this is actually directed to Chastity>
----- Original Message -----
From: Chastity
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: response to Tara

 I guess I should explain something, I am self-centered, self-absorbed and I could really care less about the welfare system or any other system that has nothing to do with me having fun.  To be perfectly honest I have no time to be concerned with helping people, pleople should help themselves.  I also sleep soundly knowing that I will never have to break a sweat to make an income for the rest of my life.

Have a great day.