missed posts

From: "Joe Earles" <jearles@BERKSHIRE.RR.COM>
Date: Thu
14 Feb 2002 12:28:53 -0500

People, please note:  THIS is how one asks for assistance with computer issues.
The way this person asked the question was flawless.
1. Here's the problem
2. Here's what I've checked to make sure it wasn't on my machine
3. I must be missing something because it's still not working
4. What else can I try?
I only wish I had an answer because it sounds to me like you've covered all the bases.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: NCR, missed posts

Ok. At times I can be pc illiterate, or maybe it's my aol. I seem to be missing a lot of posts. Anyone else out there having this problem. No I am not new to the list, and yes, I know how it works, and I have my pref. to receive each and all email ind, and my repro is set.
Any ideas???
Missy B