Re: to many i am sorry

From: "Frederick Hodgson" <Derf8469@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed
23 Jan 2002 00:12:06 EST

its the best i could do without personally attacking anybody....i dont like to mention names since i know some on this list would like to report me to windup records or something but if this is how the majority of creed fans react to open criticisim, i rather not be a creed fan, well manybe not that far, but how about a creed fanatic since well that is what the bitcher part of this group seems to be, along with self centered and other stuff, go ahead complain again cause i know the truth can hurt.

Subj: Re: to many i am sorry

Date: 1/23/2002 12:04:20 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: creedlvr@LAFORNARA.COM
Sent from the Internet (Details)

You don't seem very sorry to me.  That's the worst apology I've ever seen.

-----Original Message-----
From: Creed Discussion List [mailto:CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM] On Behalf Of Frederick Hodgson
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 8:56 PM
Subject: to many i am sorry

well i just want to say that i am sorry if i offened some, but to others i dont care.,  first to the man who talked about jobs and compared others to his of saving people from a burning care, hey whats with the looking for attention, listen man, my father is a fireman, my uncles are firemen, and my godfather was a fireman (untill WTC) and neither asked to be a hero, neither asked to be considered one, they were just called one.  dont look for respect because you are a fireman, i have lived around fireman my whole life and they never looked at it this way and i told them about what you said and they said you were all but an action junky, this is to help out paul who ever you are, second who cares what job you have, does that make you better then others, no, i am a student teacher, what doest that mean, sure many of you will say damn, that sucks for tomorrows youth, but hey at least i not only save young minds but i shape it too.  its very touching m\when i parent comes in on parent teacher confrences and cries cause you got their child to want an A, that my friend is better then saving a man from a burning care wreck.  also, i dont give up easily in my life, that is what i teach my students, but i think i have given up all hope on this list/.  there are too many opinionated people on this list and well, time is precious, and why would i want to deal with people that refuse to deal with change.  to make others life better would be to much a sacrafice for many here so i refuse to deal with it, sure i might read somethings once in a while cause i am bored but i rather write 100 lesson plans then deal with the ignorance on this list.  people thinking htey are better cause of their job,   that is dumb, i have more respect for the man that works 4 jobs then the man that is a firefighter and pulls a person from a burning wreck and that is because the firefighter is easily replaceable, but the man working 4 jobs is not replaceable to his family.  a real hero doesnt expect to be called a hero, but the man who made the comment expects to be called one, and that is not a real man, its more like a child looking to be a man, that was from my father, who has been a VOLUNTEER firefighter for 25 years now.  you people are ignorant to the future and past, and if that is what a creed fan is, i dont want to be it, i rather be a britney spears fan then be a person who criticizes all on their spelling and type o's.  just sit back and thinik "what have i become" and i realize it, this list is your life and you are sad cause tomorrow when i teach my students about respect and the civil war, you will still be fighting about who is write and wrong, and i realize that i was wrong for responding to this list.  i am sorry if my first response seemed like an attack, i just wanted to say that i was sick and tired of the comparrison between PJ and Creed, and i am sorry if some dont think that Tantric is DOTN without the lead singer even though i have explainded the scenario to many and they agree. but still, some people need to be a little less bitcher (off the rag) and a little bit more open minded, i am sorry that some humanoids can not grasp that concept.   you say poor frederick, i say Poor you.

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