Re: Subscribed again

From: "Ross Johnson" <ross@AOLHATER.FREESERVE.CO.UK>
Date: Sat
19 Jan 2002 20:21:00 -0000

----- Original Message -----
From: <Kelly> <Schmiedeknecht>

Hi Agie, I remember you, it's great to see you are still on the list...
Ross- you know about the crash??
Yep. Psychic powers are great things from time to time! ;-)
Good grief... maybe I shouldn't be back on the list :)
Of course you should!
And btw, I'm still one ahead of you, so ;-P!
Plus, my mum reversed into my car yersterday, or perhaps the day before, so I think that counts as a half. You're one and a half behind then!
Mr Mungo, NP P.O.D - Satellite